Sunday, November 23, 2008

rEd taiL gOldEn


The red-tailed golden is found in northern Sumatra, Indonesia. Red-tailed golden arowana. Although the scales are golden, the anal and caudal fins are reddish-brown.Mature red-tailed golden arowanas have brilliant metallic gold lateral scales, gill covers, bellies, and pectoral and pelvic fin membranes, although the back is dark. In juveniles the areas destined to develop golden colour start out metallic silver. The anal fin and the bottom portion of the caudal fin are light brown to dark red.
The scales are copper-gold in color with some purplish shine. The back of the fish are dark in color, ranging grey, brown to black.
The tail color have 1/3 to 2/3 divisions, the top 1/3 are dark in color and the bottom 2/3 have purplish-red to brownish-red color. The dorsal(back) fin and the anac(near the anus) fin color follow the 1/3 and 2/3 of the tail color respectively.

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